OpenShot Now Included in AV Linux 3.0!
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on .I am proud to announce that OpenShot Video Editor has just hit an important milestone. We have been included in our first Linux distribution, AV Linux 3. AV Linux is a LiveDVD based on Debian, running the LXDE desktop environment. It features a full complement of the best FOSS Multimedia Applications available, allowing users to enjoy multi-track Audio Recording and Mixing, Video Capturing, Editing and Converting, DVD Authoring and Creation, iPod Tools and more.
Download AV Linux 3.0 LiveDVD

This now offers a new way for people to run and evaluate OpenShot, by using a LiveDVD. For those who do not know, a LiveDVD will allow you to boot into Linux without modifying your computer. You can check out the latest and greatest audio and video applications (including OpenShot) for Linux, and then boot back into your regular OS when you are done. If you haven't ever tried this, I encourage your to give it a try.
We hope to continue this trend, and have OpenShot included in as many distributions as possible. We are getting really close to a 1.0 release, so please help us out and contact your favorite distribution about packaging OpenShot. Many distros have a ticketing system for packaging, so please log a ticket for us. =)