Lưu trữ Tháng 9 2009

29 Tháng 9

If the PPA wasn't big enough news to get you excited, how about this: Effects have finally arrived for OpenShot!!!

We have included 33 video & audio effects (30 video and 3 audio). This feature is available now (in version 0.9.42). You can install OpenShot from the PPA or .DEB installer to ...

21 Tháng 9

OpenShot Video Editor continues to gain popularity, even though we haven't released an "official" version yet. We just recently exceeded 10,000 downloads of our new .DEB installers!!! I think the message is loud and clear. People want a video editor that actually works on Linux!

I wanted to share a chart of our ...

8 Tháng 9

Start the timer! I'm going to type real fast so I fit this into 60 seconds. =) Over the past 30 days we have made a ton of progress on OpenShot Video Editor! Even though I haven't had time to post a ton of blog updates, we have been busy fixing bugs, adding features ...

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